Thanks for completing the assessment quiz {First Name (First):1738.1}.

Please watch the video first and then see your score overview below, along with key areas of improvement and next steps.

Your printable PDF report is being generated and will be in your inbox within 5-10 minutes (please check your spam folder as well).

Your Results

The Doer

{Results text 0-25:77}{Results text 26-50:80}{Results text 51-75:79}

I just secured a massive 6-figure project! Implemented so much of what I learned in the Up level Program during this whole process – IT WORKS!
Hayley Denker – CEO & Founder Hayley Denker Marketing

The Radar Chart shows your score in each topic area.

{Key Area(s) of Improvement Title:1899}

Below you’ll find personalized feedback for each area of your business, along with resources and next steps to move the dial!
Use the arrows to navigate

{Topic 1 Key Area of Improvement:1691}
{Topic 2 Key Area of Improvement:1823}
{Topic 3 Key Area of Improvement:1699}
{Topic 4 Key Area of Improvement:1707}
{Topic 5 Key Area of Improvement:1884}
{Topic 6 Key Area of Improvement:1923}
{Topic 7 Key Area of Improvement:1924}
{All topics have 100% scored - Message:1867}

Next Step

My professional world has grown, matured, stabilized, and literally exudes joy. I am indebted to you for pushing me, understanding me, contradicting me, supporting me, laughing with me, and not accepting any BS from me.
Brian Milauskus – Founder & CEO Kidstock! Theater

Resource to help the Doer grow to the next level (with more joy, ease and freedom):

Now that you finished reading your assessment, I’m sure you already have quite a few AHAs and ideas of what is needed to help you build a sustainable business that will afford you the lifestyle and flexibility you desire.

Here are a few tailored resources to help you grow faster and create more freedom:

Develop a growth mindset and uplevel your leadership skills with my book and workbook: The Up Level Project: Your Guide to Unlocking Higher Profits While Creating More Freedom – click here to order the them now.

Get the roadmap to outsourcing more of your administrative duties to a VA with this training workshop, to help you identify who you need, what to outsource, and where to find and hire the right VA for your business.

Uplevel your accountability and drastically increase your chances of attaining your business goal by joining the Business Growth Achievers – a vetted gross-industry business accountability group for high-achieving, independent service-based entrepreneurs. When you join this high-level community, you’ll get access to the proven framework that will help you to consistently work on your business and become a strategic leader, accelerating business growth and building quality relationships with fellow service-based business owners who get you.

If you are a business owner, you would be doing yourself and your business a disservice by not working with Hanneke.
Erin Condron – CEO Erin Condron Interiors